Sorting Hat
Step into the world of magic with the Sorting Hat, which plays a key role in the Harry Potter story. This unique hat, also known as the Hogwarts Hat or the Sorting Hat, is first described by Harry Potter when Professor McGonagall places the hat on a stool in front of the first-years. The hat, which was then very worn and dirty, proved to be more than just an ordinary piece of clothing. Explore the history of the Sorting Hat with us, read one of its songs, and discover what the magical collection dedicated to the Sorting Hat has to offer!
History and Purpose of the Sorting Hat
The Sorting Hat, originally belonging to Godric Gryffindor, was enchanted by the four founders of Hogwarts so that it could think, speak, and sort students into the various houses - Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. It can also perform Legilimency, allowing it to peer into the minds of those who wear it.
The Sorting Hat refuses to admit its mistakes in sorting. For example, if a Ravenclaw student fails all tests or if a Gryffindor student is cowardly, it still claims that it made the right decision. But overall, it is said to have made minimal errors over the centuries it has existed.
J.K. Rowling stated that the Sorting Hat was not her initial idea for sorting students into houses. The idea developed gradually. One of her initial ideas was, for example, statues of the four founders that would come to life in front of students and assign them to their houses. But she still felt it wasn't quite right. It wasn't until later that she thought of a talking hat that students would wear. What do you prefer? Statues or a hat?
There is a term associated with the Sorting Hat, which is “Hatstall.” This term refers to people or, in this case, students whose sorting takes longer than five minutes. This long time, during which the Sorting Hat cannot decide where to place a student, occurs about once every 50 years. During Harry Potter's time at Hogwarts, no one received this term. However, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom came close. The Sorting Hat was deciding between two houses for Hermione, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. This decision took almost four minutes. In Neville's case, the hat was firmly decided to place him in Gryffindor. However, Neville was frightened and asked to be placed in Hufflepuff. The hat won this argument, and Neville was sorted into Gryffindor.
Harry also knew real people who were termed “Hatstall.” They were Professor McGonagall and Peter Pettigrew. Minerva McGonagall was sorted with the hat on her head for five and a half minutes. Just like with Hermione, the hat couldn't decide between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for Minerva. We all know very well how that turned out. In Peter Pettigrew's case, the hat couldn't decide between two houses, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Here too, the hat refused to admit its mistake and stands by its decision, referring to how Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) acted at his death.
Sorting Hat Song
But let's take a step back. Before the Sorting Hat starts sorting students into houses, it first sings an introductory song, explaining the basic qualities of the four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.
And so it happened during Harry's sorting. The Sorting Hat's song was, for example, like this:
In Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.
In Ravenclaw, where those of wit and learning will always find their bliss,
Those of cleverness and wisdom make their mark.
In Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.
Many find their place in Ravenclaw,
Where the wise and the intelligent always thrive.
And in Slytherin, you’ll find those who have ambition,
Who work hard to achieve their goals with precision.
They’ll do whatever it takes to reach their aim,
And become the best in the name.
This is just one example of the many songs of the Sorting Hat.
The talking hat was not only good for sorting students but also played a more important role in the Harry Potter series.
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Professor Albus Dumbledore sent Fawkes the phoenix along with the Sorting Hat to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets. The Sorting Hat revealed Godric Gryffindor's sword, which appears only to true Gryffindors. This happened again in the Battle of Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Neville had the Sorting Hat on his head and suddenly felt something heavy. It was Gryffindor's sword.
Regarding sorting, there is often a question of whether students, if sorted as older and not as eleven-year-olds, would belong to different houses than they were originally placed. Because a person's personality develops and changes with age. And we know many examples from the world of Harry Potter where we would definitely decide differently when sorting some people. Even Albus Dumbledore had a minor reflection on sorting: “Sometimes I think we sort too soon…”
In any case, just like us Muggles, wizards and witches have a complex nature. Each of us has a mix of traits and each of us can have multiple traits from the four houses, and we are not determined solely by the one house we are placed in. And Albus Dumbledore best captured this: “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
And which house would the Sorting Hat place you in?
Sorting Hat, Frequently Asked Questions
How do you say Sorting Hat in Czech? Moudrý klobouk.
How do you say Sorting Hat in Slovak? Sorting Hat is called Triediaci Klobúk in Slovak.
What is the text of the Sorting Hat? You can read it in the article above.
Who did the voice of the Sorting Hat in Czech and English? In Czech, the Sorting Hat was voiced by Vladimír Brabec and in English by Leslie Phillips.

Pillow Harry Potter Sorting Hat, which will sort you into your house!

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