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Deathly Hallows

The Deathly Hallows represent three magical objects from the world of Harry Potter. These ancient relics, according to legend, were created by Death herself. Specifically, they are: The Elder Wand, The Invisibility Cloak, and The Resurrection Stone. The first mention of their existence is in the final book - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, although we encounter these relics starting from the first book. Specifically, it is the Invisibility Cloak, which Harry receives as a Christmas gift from Professor Albus Dumbledore. The Elder Wand, owned by Dumbledore, is revealed only in the final book. If you want, you can also have your own Deathly Hallows, such as the Elder Wand Pen by Albus Dumbledore! Our golden trio Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger learns about the Deathly Hallows through a book bequeathed by Dumbledore to Hermione.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The Deathly Hallows became known with the release of the final book in the series by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Rowling herself noted that it was her favorite book and provided a fantastic conclusion to the entire magical series. The book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, is the 7th installment and was published on July 21, 2007, in English. The book instantly became a global bestseller and the fastest-selling book of all time, with 20 million copies sold in just 24 hours. The book was so extensive and full of information that the filmmakers decided to split it into two parts for filming. This resulted in the films Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. The first part was released on November 19, 2010, and the second part, the final film about Harry Potter, premiered on July 15, 2011.

Deathly Hallows Objects

The Deathly Hallows were three magical objects that, according to the tale from *The Tales of Beedle the Bard*, "The Tale of the Three Brothers," were created by Death herself. More about the entire tale and the story of the three brothers can be read in our article: The Tales of Beedle the Bard - The Tale of the Three Brothers. According to the tale, Death took three ordinary objects, enchanted them, and gifted them to the three brothers who had just crossed a river. Crossing the river was almost impossible and many people had died attempting it. Death awaited the three brothers, who surprised her with their skill and survived her treacherous river. Therefore, Death did not claim the brothers that day but cleverly created three objects to bring the brothers to her. These were the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak. Whether and how Death succeeded in this can be read in the analysis of the work here. During Harry's studies at Hogwarts, we encounter the Deathly Hallows several times, though it is not until the 7th book that we realize they are Deathly Hallows. Specifically, it is the Invisibility Cloak, which Harry receives as a Christmas gift from Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of the school. Dumbledore also owns the Elder Wand, which is revealed only in the final book. If you wish, you can also have your own Deathly Hallows, such as the Elder Wand Pen by Albus Dumbledore! The existence of the Deathly Hallows is revealed to our golden trio Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger through a book bequeathed by Dumbledore to Hermione.

Deathly Hallows Symbol

The symbol of the Deathly Hallows represents the three Deathly Hallows objects combined. It consists of a triangle, inside which is a circle, and inside the circle is a vertical line. The line represents the Elder Wand, the circle represents the Resurrection Stone, and the triangle represents the Invisibility Cloak. Harry Potter first notices the Deathly Hallows symbol on the pendant of Mr. Lovegood, the father of Luna Lovegood. Later, we learn that the symbol of the Deathly Hallows was also painted at the wizarding school Durmstrang.

Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Symbol

Deathly Hallows Tattoos

The magical world of Harry Potter has millions of fans worldwide, and so do the Deathly Hallows. Many Potterheads (Harry Potter enthusiasts) like to get their bodies tattooed with various references to Harry Potter, and the most common is the Deathly Hallows tattoo. Creativity knows no bounds, and you can find various sizes and designs of tattoos in different locations. The most common is the Deathly Hallows tattoo on the forearm or calf.

Deathly Hallows - Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Deathly Hallows in English? Deathly Hallows.
What are the Deathly Hallows objects? The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone, and The Elder Wand.
What is the symbol of the Deathly Hallows? A triangle with a circle inside and a vertical line inside the circle.
When was the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows published? July 21, 2007.
How many films were there? Two. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.


Harry Potter jelly belly sladkosti kouzelne predmety
4,77 € –8 %
Harry Potter Sweets - Magical Items
In Stock (>3 pcs)
Code: SWEET10
Was: 4,77 €  (–8 %)
4,37 €
Harry Potter propiska - Relikvie smrti
Harry Potter Pen - Deathly Hallows
In Stock (>3 pcs)
Code: 38558
3,97 €
Harry Potter tužka relikvie Smrti
Harry Potter Pencil - Deathly Hallows
In Stock (>3 pcs)
1,16 €
Harry Potter propiska hulka ALbus Brumbal
Harry Potter Pen Wand - Albus Dumbledore
In Stock (>3 pcs)
Code: 1881
5,17 €
nahrdelnik a nausnice harry potter relikvie smrti
17,99 € –4 %
Was: 17,99 €  (–4 %)
17,19 €
Harry Potter klíčenka Relikvie smrti
Harry Potter Keychain - Deathly Hallows
In Stock (1 pcs)
Code: 28229
9,98 €
Harry Potter Záložka do knih - Relikvie smrti
Harry Potter Bookmark - Deathly Hallows
In Stock (>3 pcs)
6,77 €
Harry Potter ponozky Bradavicka sada
Harry Potter Socks - Hogwarts Set
In Stock (>3 pcs)
18,79 €
Harry Potter darkova sada Relikvie Smrti Svet kouzel
27,04 € –11 %
Harry Potter Dárková sada - Relikvie smrti
In Stock (1 pcs)
Was: 27,04 €  (–11 %)
24 €
Harry Potter formičky kouzelné předměty Svět kouzel
14,78 €
17 items total




17 items to display
Harry Potter jelly belly sladkosti kouzelne predmety
4,77 € –8 %
4,37 €

Harry Potter fruit sweets shaped like the Deathly Hallows, Hedwig, the Sorting Hat, a lightning bolt, and a potion bottle, weight 59g

Code: SWEET10
Harry Potter dárkový box relikvie Smrti Svet kouzel
28 €

Set of earrings and necklace with the theme of the Deathly Hallows

Code: 2907
Harry Potter ponozky Bradavicka sada
18,79 €

Harry Potter socks, a gift set of 3 pairs of socks featuring Harry Potter, Hedwig the owl, and the Deathly Hallows. Medium-length, unisex, universal size EU 38 - 45.

Harry Potter propiska - Relikvie smrti
3,97 €

Harry Potter pen with a Deathly Hallows charm

Code: 38558
Harry Potter náramek kouzelné předměty svet kouzel
11,98 €

Bracelet with beads and charms in the theme of the Golden Snitch and the symbol of the Deathly Hallows

Code: 2706
Harry Potter tužka relikvie Smrti
1,16 €

Pencil with eraser Harry Potter with the Deathly Hallows theme.

nahrdelnik a nausnice harry potter relikvie smrti
17,99 € –4 %
17,19 €

Set of earrings and necklace with the theme of the Deathly Hallows

Code: 1434
Harry Potter darkova sada Relikvie Smrti Svet kouzel
27,04 € –11 %
24 €

Limited edition of the beloved gift suitcase for all love-struck witches and wizards! Includes Love Potion lip gloss, gift-wrapped Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Love Potion...

Harry Potter naramek relikvie smrti a zlatonka
34,42 €

Bracelet with beads and charms in the theme of the Golden Snitch and the symbol of the Deathly Hallows

Code: 2425
Harry Potter formičky kouzelné předměty Svět kouzel
14,78 €

Harry Potter chocolate and ice cube molds in magical shapes.

Code: 2361
Harry Potter propiska hulka ALbus Brumbal
5,17 €

Pen in the shape of the Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore's wand

Code: 1881
Harry Potter sponky do vlasů Relikvie smrti
7,57 €

Hairpins with the Deathly Hallows theme

Harry Potter ponozky relikvie smrti Svetkouzel
7,97 €

Harry Potter socks featuring the Deathly Hallows design, black, mid-calf height, size 38 - 45, suitable for almost all witches and wizards.

Harry Potter klíčenka Relikvie smrti
9,98 €

Harry Potter keychain with the Deathly Hallows theme

Code: 28229
Harry Potter Záložka do knih - Relikvie smrti
6,77 €

Magical book bookmark with the Deathly Hallows symbol

Harry Potter vykrajovátko Relikvie smrti Svetkouzel
9,58 €

Cookie cutter for marzipan, fondant, and cookies with the Deathly Hallows theme.

Code: HPW507
Harry Potter hodinky Relikvie smrti
32,01 €

Stylish watch with the Deathly Hallows theme, black strap

Code: 1188/SMALL