We ship all over EU!

Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to purchases made at the online store www.svetkouzel.com. The terms further define and specify the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer.
An order constitutes an offer for a purchase agreement. The purchase agreement is concluded at the moment the ordered goods are received by the buyer.
Legal relationships arising from the conclusion of the purchase agreement are governed by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, especially the provisions concerning the conclusion of contracts using means of distance communication.
By filling out the registration form or binding order on the online store www.svetkouzel.com, the buyer gives the seller consent to collect and archive personal data about the buyer and their purchases.

Registration Details

Fellicis s.r.o.

Kytlická 759/23

190 00, Prague 9

Company ID: 21058369

Bank Account: 2802747615/2010

Contact: info@svetkouzel.com

Withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement by the Customer

The buyer has the right under Section 6 of the amendment to the Civil Code No. 367/2000 to withdraw from the agreement within 14 days of receiving the goods if the goods were delivered in a non-personal manner. If the goods do not meet your expectations, you can, of course, return them within 14 days of purchase without stating a reason, according to the specified conditions. If you decide to do so, it is necessary to return the undamaged goods, without signs of use or wear, in the original packaging within the specified period (the date of sending is decisive). Goods cannot be returned by cash on delivery; any such returned goods will not be accepted by the seller.
Upon receipt of the returned goods, the seller will promptly return the corresponding amount to the buyer by an agreed method, no later than 14 days. The returned amount will be the difference between the purchase price and the costs incurred by the seller in connection with the delivery of the goods to the customer (e.g., shipping costs).
Every order received in our store is binding; cancellation of the order can be sent via email to our email address within 2 hours of placing the order. If the buyer has already paid for the goods in some way, the seller will refund the relevant amount to the buyer’s bank account or postal order (as agreed with the customer) as soon as possible.

Withdrawal from the Purchase Agreement by the Seller
The seller reserves the right to cancel the order or its part if the buyer has provided incomplete or incorrect details in the order, if the ordered goods are no longer in stock, or without providing a reason. If the buyer has already paid part or the entire amount of the purchase price, this amount will be refunded to their account or address as soon as possible.

Payment Terms, Dispatch Periods, and Shipping Costs
All goods will be dispatched to the buyer no later than 7 working days from the receipt of the order. For cash on delivery, the dispatch period starts at the moment of ordering; for other payments, the dispatch period starts from the moment the payment is credited to the seller’s account.
Shipping costs vary depending on the delivery method and payment method chosen by the customer.
The buyer is obliged to inspect the goods immediately upon receipt. If mechanical damage to the product packaging is detected, the buyer must check the condition of the goods and, in case of damage, record the damage in the presence of the carrier. The carrier is responsible for damage during transportation. The buyer is obliged to promptly inform the seller of any damage to the goods.

Delivery of Goods
The goods will be delivered to you no later than 14 days in the manner of your choice, with the following options:

  1. Personal collection by prior arrangement;
  2. Personal collection at pickup points of the company Zásilkovna (up to 2.5 kg), GLS;
  3. Delivery via transport companies GLS, Zásilkovna;

Goods can only be delivered within the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Delivery times for the goods always depend on their availability and the chosen delivery and payment method. The estimated delivery time will be communicated to you in the Order Confirmation. The time specified in these Terms is indicative only and may differ from the actual delivery time. In the case of personal collection at the premises, we will always inform you of the possibility of collecting the goods via email. After receiving the goods from the carrier, it is your duty to check the integrity of the packaging of the goods and, in the case of any defects, to immediately notify the carrier and us. If there is damage to the packaging indicating unauthorized handling and access to the shipment, you are not obliged to accept the goods from the carrier. If you fail to fulfill your obligation to accept the goods, except in the case of damaged packaging, it does not result in a breach of Our obligation to deliver the goods to you. Furthermore, your failure to accept the goods does not constitute withdrawal from the Agreement between Us and You. However, in such a case, we have the right to withdraw from the Agreement due to your substantial breach of the Agreement, or to store the goods, for which we are entitled to a fee of 10 CZK / day. If we decide to withdraw from the Agreement, the withdrawal is effective on the day we deliver the withdrawal to you. Withdrawal from the Agreement does not affect the claim for reimbursement of the Delivery Price or the claim for damages if incurred. If, due to reasons on your part, the goods are delivered repeatedly or in a manner other than agreed in the Agreement, you are obliged to compensate us for the costs associated with this repeated delivery. Payment details for these costs will be sent to your email address provided in the Agreement and are due 7 days from the delivery of the email.

Warranty and Complaints

The warranty period for all types of products, except for durable goods, is 2 years. The warranty period starts from the day the buyer receives the item. The seller is responsible for defects that manifest as a contradiction to the purchase agreement after the item is received during the warranty period. 
Depending on the type of defects and the nature of the goods, in accordance with the applicable legal regulations in the Czech Republic, a valid complaint will be resolved by repair, replacement of the goods, discount on the purchase price, or refund of the paid purchase price.  The period for handling complaints is 30 days from the submission of the complaint in person, by mail, or by email. The method of refunding the paid purchase price depends on the payment method for the goods and is either back to the account or in cash. 

The warranty does not cover wear and tear caused by normal use of the item, defects resulting from improper handling or storage.
Additionally, the warranty does not cover defects arising from the use of the product in violation of the user manual, neglect of maintenance, or use of the product for purposes other than those for which it is intended.

Return the complained goods after prior arrangement to info@svetkouzel.com at the address: Na Pankráci 1352/2, Prague 4, 140 00, Martin Štěpánek

Data Protection - GDPR
The operator of the online store www.svetkouzel.com commits and declares that it will not provide the entrusted personal data of the customer to any third party without the customer's prior consent. 

Personal Data and Extrajudicial Settlement

Personal Data

The user hereby, in accordance with Section 5(2) of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended (hereinafter also referred to as the "Act"), consents to the collection, storage, and processing of personal data provided by the user to the data controller, which is the Operator. The user further agrees that personal data may be processed and used by:

  • the controller;
  • any employee of the controller;
  • any contractual partner of the controller;

This consent is granted for a specified period of 20 years.

The Operator, as the data controller, has defined the purpose of processing personal data as follows:

  • sending promotional offers from the controller;
  • marketing purposes;
  • providing personal data to third parties;
  • inclusion of personal data into databases;
  • disclosure of personal data to third parties;

The user declares that they are aware of their rights under Section 12 and Section 21 of the Act and affirms that all data provided is accurate and true, and is provided voluntarily.

The Operator declares that it will collect personal data to the extent necessary for fulfilling the stated purpose and will process it only in accordance with the purpose for which it was collected.

The Operator declares that it will process personal data as follows:

by machine (automatically) through computers and computer programs;

in written form;

This consent is a free and informed expression of the will of the user as the data subject, and it includes the data subject's consent to the processing of personal data.


In accordance with Section 89(3) of Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on Electronic Communications, as amended, the Operator hereby informs the User that it processes the User's cookies, including permanent cookies, and the User agrees to this.

Consent according to the previous paragraph is granted for a period of 10 years.

The Operator processes the User's cookies for personalizing content and advertisements, providing social media features, and analyzing traffic. The Operator shares information about how the e-shop User uses it with its partners in the fields of social media, advertising, and analytics.

Satisfaction Survey

“We assess your satisfaction with your purchase through email surveys within the Verified by Customers program, in which our e-shop is involved. We send these surveys each time you make a purchase, unless you opt out of receiving them in accordance with Section 7(3) of Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Services of the Information Society. The processing of personal data for sending surveys within the Verified by Customers program is based on our legitimate interest in determining your satisfaction with your purchase from us. For sending surveys, evaluating your feedback, and analyzing our market position, we use a processor, which is the Heureka.cz portal operator; for these purposes, we may provide information about the purchased goods and your email address. Your personal data is not passed to any third party for their own purposes when sending email surveys. You may object to receiving email surveys within the Verified by Customers program at any time by opting out of further surveys using the link in the survey email. In case of your objection, we will no longer send you surveys.”

Extrajudicial Settlement

The customer has the right to submit a proposal for extrajudicial resolution of such a dispute to an authorized body for extrajudicial resolution of consumer disputes, which is:

Czech Trade Inspection Authority

Central Inspectorate - ADR Department

Štěpánská 15

120 00 Prague 2

Email: adr@coi.cz

Web: https://adr.coi.cz