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Top 10 Most Famous Spells from Harry Potter

Spells and magic accompanied us throughout the magical series about a teenage boy with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, Harry Potter. Spells are commands that, if pronounced correctly and performed with the proper wand movement, will fulfill their master's request, whatever it may be. It can be something simple like levitating an object, but it can also be something complicated like summoning your Patronus.

The execution of spells can be divided into verbal and non-verbal. Verbal casting is the classic method where a wizard, along with the correct wand flick, pronounces the spell. Non-verbal spells, on the other hand, are an advanced technique mastered only by experienced wizards. The wand movement remains the same, but the incantation is not spoken aloud, instead, it's thought in the wizard's mind.

Harry Potter 101 most famous spells

Now let's take a look at a list of the 10 most famous spells we've encountered in Hogwarts and beyond.

  1. Expelliarmus. One of the most famous spells in the entire series and likely Harry's favorite spell, which became his "signature move" when fighting Death Eaters. Expelliarmus is a defensive disarming spell that should disarm your opponent of their wand, or, in the case of a forceful use, throw the opponent away.

  2. Wingardium Leviosa, or "swish and flick"! This spell allows a wizard to lift an object and keep it suspended in the air, or make it levitate. It came in handy for Ron when he disarmed the mountain troll in the Philosopher's Stone. But don't forget! It's Leviosa, not Leviosááá.

  3. Expecto Patronum. A spell that comes in handy when you're in deep trouble. Not literally, unless by "trouble" you mean a swarm of Dementors eager to give you their kiss and "lobotomize" you. This spell is one of the more difficult to perform, as you need to think strongly of a happy memory and simultaneously say the incantation: Expecto Patronum! If successful, you'll summon your Patronus to protect you. It served Harry well when he rescued his uncle Sirius Black in the third book.

  4. Lumos, or: let there be light! A simple spell that lights up the tip of your wand. A great spell, for instance, for nighttime reading instead of a lamp.

  5. Petrificus Totalus. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." To hear these words from Albus Dumbledore, amid roaring applause from the Gryffindor house, you must first be paralyzed and drop to the ground like a pear. The spell Petrificus Totalus turns your opponent into a living statue, preventing them from any further movement.

    Petrificus Totalus

  6. Accio. A spell used to summon objects to you. Need your broom for a Quidditch game? Accio broom! Is the TV remote too far away, and you need to get up? Accio remote!

  7. Riddikulus! A fun and effective spell, particularly useful during a major cleanup. The spell is used to ward off Boggarts, which like to hide anywhere in the house, especially in narrow, dark places like wardrobes or drawers. A Boggart takes the form of whatever you fear the most. In our case, for example, no likes on a post. You then need to think of something funny and, with a shout of Riddikulus, turn the Boggart into it. Riddikulus 20,000 followers!


Spells numbered 8, 9, and 10 are for brave wizards and witches only. If you're not feeling up to it, we recommend stopping here and checking out another article. These are, after all, the Unforgivable Curses. Their use, to quote Mad-Eye Moody, guarantees you a one-way ticket straight to Azkaban.


  1. Imperio. A spell that forces your opponent to do whatever you command. It's a shame that this useful spell is classified as one of the Unforgivable Curses. We'd all find it useful from time to time – Imperio, do the dishes. Imperio, take out the trash, and so on.

  2. Cruciatus. A curse that brings unbearable pain to its victim. Pain so severe that it can drive one mad. Neville Longbottom's parents know all about it, as they were tortured by the Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange, condemning them to a lifetime stay in St. Mungo's Hospital.

  3. Avada Kedavra. At first glance, it sounds like a cute spell, almost like "Abracadabra." But don't be fooled, it's a deadly spell with only one purpose – to kill its victim. Only one wizard managed to survive it, not once but twice. Guess who that might be. The Dark Lord Lord Voldemort certainly wasn't pleased about that.


This is a list of the ten most famous and commonly used spells in the entire magical series. Of course, we could expand the list and add others, like: Alohomora, Stupefy, Protego, Obliviate, Sectumsempra, or the goosebumps-inducing: Piertotum Locomotor! But we'll talk about them and the magical wands that cast these spells in future articles. If you're interested in all the spells from Harry Potter, you can find the complete list in our article List of all spells from Harry Potter.


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