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10 Most Famous Spells from Harry Potter

Magic and spells have been constants throughout the entire witchcraft series about a young boy with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, Harry Potter. Spells are commands which, if pronounced correctly and paired with the proper wand movement, will fulfill their caster's request, no matter what it is. This could be a simple task, like lifting an object, or a more complex one, like summoning a Patronus.

Spell execution can be categorized into verbal and non-verbal. Verbal casting is the traditional method, where the wizard pronounces the spell alongside the correct wand motion. Non-verbal spells, on the other hand, are an advanced technique, mastered only by skilled wizards. The wand movement remains the same, but the incantation is spoken silently in the mind rather than aloud.

Harry Potter 101 Most Famous Spells

Now, let's check the list of the 10 most famous spells we encountered in Hogwarts and beyond.

  1. Expelliarmus. One of the most famous spells in the entire series, and probably Harry's signature spell in fights with Death Eaters. Expelliarmus is a defensive disarming charm, designed to strip your opponent of their wand, or, if used forcefully, even throw them back.

  2. Wingardium Leviosa, also known as “swish and flick”! This spell allows a wizard to levitate an object and hold it in mid-air. It came in handy for Ron when he used it to disarm the mountain troll in The Philosopher's Stone. But don’t forget, it’s “Leviosa”, not “Leviosaaa”.

  3. Expecto Patronum. A spell for when you’re in serious danger. Not literally, unless the danger is a swarm of Dementors eager to give you their kiss and "lobotomize" you. This spell is one of the hardest to cast, as it requires you to focus intensely on a happy memory while saying the incantation: Expecto Patronum! If successful, you'll summon your Patronus, which will protect you. Harry used it brilliantly to save his uncle Sirius Black in the third book.

  4. Lumos, aka “let there be light!” A simple spell that lights up the tip of your wand. Perfect for reading at night instead of using a lamp.

  5. Petrificus Totalus. "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends." To hear these words from Albus Dumbledore amidst the cheers of the Gryffindor house, you first need to be petrified by this spell and fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Petrificus Totalus turns your enemy into a living statue, preventing them from moving.

    Petrificus Totalus

  6. Accio. A spell used to summon objects towards you. Need your broom for a game of Quidditch? Accio broom! Need the TV remote but don’t want to get up? Accio remote!

  7. Riddikulus! A fun and effective spell, especially useful during a spring-cleaning spree. This spell is used to banish Boggarts, creatures that hide anywhere in your house, particularly in dark and narrow spaces like closets or drawers. The Boggart takes on the shape of what you fear most. In our case, perhaps the fear of getting zero likes on a post. You must think of something funny and shout “Riddikulus!” to turn the Boggart into that.

Spells numbered 8, 9, and 10 are only for the brave witches and wizards. If you're not up for the challenge, we recommend you stop reading here and check out another article. These are the Unforgivable Curses, and using them, as Mad-Eye Moody would say, guarantees you a one-way ticket to Azkaban.

  1. Imperio. A spell that forces your opponent to do everything you command. It’s unfortunate that this handy spell is classified as one of the Unforgivable Curses. We could all use an Imperio from time to time – wash the dishes. Imperio – take out the trash.

  2. Cruciatus. A curse that brings unbearable pain to its victim. Pain so intense, it can drive someone insane. Neville Longbottom’s parents know this all too well, having been tortured to madness by Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange, resulting in their lifelong stay in St. Mungo’s Hospital.

  3. Avada Kedavra. At first glance, it sounds like a cute spell, almost like “Abracadabra.” But don’t be fooled, this is a lethal curse with only one purpose – to kill its target. Only one wizard has ever survived it, and he did so twice. You can guess who that was. Lord Voldemort wasn’t happy about it.

This concludes the list of the ten most famous and widely used spells in the entire wizarding series. Of course, we could tweak the list and add more, like Alohomora, Stupefy, Protego, Obliviate, Sectumsempra or the chilling Piertotum Locomotor! We’ll cover these and the magic wands that cast them in future articles. If you’re interested in all the spells from Harry Potter, you can find the full list in our article: List of all spells in Harry Potter.

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