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Christmas Ornaments


Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Zlatonka
14,36 € –2 %
Was: 14,36 €  (–2 %)
13,96 €
Harry Potter svetelny retez Hedvika Svet kouzel
Harry Potter Světýlka - Hedvika
Currently Unavailable
Code: 8867
15,56 €
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Čokoládová Žabka
14,76 € –5 %
Was: 14,76 €  (–5 %)
13,96 €
Harry Potter svetelny retez Bradavicky erb
Harry Potter Fairy Lights - Hogwarts
In Stock (3 pcs)
Code: 1923
15,16 €
Harry Potter Dárkové kufříky koleje
66,75 € –10 %
Harry Potter Gift Set - Christmas Ornaments
Currently Unavailable
Code: 1932/VAN
Was: 66,75 €  (–10 %)
59,95 €
Harry Potter Vanocni ozdoba Nebelvir
14,36 €
Harry Potter ozdoba erb bradavic
3,96 €
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Lenka Láskorádová
14,36 € –2 %
Was: 14,36 €  (–2 %)
13,96 €
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Pobertuv Planek
14,76 € –5 %
Was: 14,76 €  (–5 %)
13,96 €
14 items total




14 items to display
Harry Potter svetelny retez Bradavicky erb
15,16 €

Light string with Hogwarts crests for hanging, powered by AA batteries

Code: 1923
Harry Potter Vanocni ozdoba Mrzimor
13,96 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Hufflepuff with a necklace inside

Code: 8826
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Zlatonka
14,36 € –2 %
13,96 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Golden Snitch with a bracelet inside

Code: 8828
Harry Potter Vanocni ozdoba Nebelvir
14,36 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Gryffindor with a necklace inside

Code: 1740
Harry Potter Vanocni ozdoba Havraspar 1
14,36 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Ravenclaw with a necklace inside

Code: 8825
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Lenka Láskorádová
14,36 € –2 %
13,96 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Luna Lovegood with a necklace inside

Code: 8831
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Čokoládová Žabka
14,76 € –5 %
13,96 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Chocolate Frog with a surprise inside

Code: 8830
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Moudrý Klobouk
13,96 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Sorting Hat with a surprise inside

Code: 8829
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Bradavice
14,36 € –2 %
13,96 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Hogwarts with a necklace inside

Code: 8832
Vanocni ozdoby Harry Potter Pobertuv Planek
14,76 € –5 %
13,96 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Marauder's Map with a badge inside

Code: 8824
Harry Potter Dárkové kufříky koleje
66,75 € –10 %
59,95 €

Gift set Christmas ornaments for the tree - Hogwarts Houses! The set includes: Christmas ornament with gift and theme of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and...

Code: 1932/VAN
Harry Potter Vanocni ozdoba Zmijozel
14,36 €

Christmas ornament for the tree Slytherin with a necklace inside

Code: 8827
Harry Potter svetelny retez Hedvika Svet kouzel
15,56 €

Light string with Hogwarts crests for hanging, powered by AA batteries

Code: 8867
Harry Potter ozdoba erb bradavic
3,96 €

Christmas ornament with the Hogwarts crest theme.

Code: 1962